Producing a Group Screener Report - Screener Roster Report

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Produce a report that includes raw scores, pass/refer recommendations, and total age-equivalent (AE) scores for a group of children you select. Report options include selecting a date range and standard deviation (SD) that is reported for all domains and the total.


1. To produce a Group Screener Report—Screener Roster Report, choose Reports > Group Reports.


2. When the hierarchy list appears, select a level.


3. The report type lists appear. From the Group Screener list, select Screener Roster Report. Click



4. When the Screener Roster Report criteria page opens, enter a date range to determine the scope of the records included in the report.

Note: All records available at and below the hierarchy level you selected that fall within the date range are included in the Screener Roster Report.

       Select the standard deviation to report for all domains and the raw score (RS) total.

4.Use the report criteria page to select the report options. Add or change your e-mail address. After making your selections, click

_img197 to schedule the report.